Adult - 6 Months
Age: 18 and over
Fee: Res $70.09 / Non-Res $107.48
Location: Pelican Community Park
Child - 6 Months
Age: 17 and under
Fee: Res $32.71 / Non-Res $51.40
Location: Pelican Community Park
Family - 6 Months
Age: All Ages
Fee: Res $140.19 / Non-Res $210.28
Location: Pelican Community Park
Senior - 6 Months
Age: 65 and over
Fee: Res $51.40 / Non-Res $70.09
Location: Pelican Community Park
Student - 6 Months
Age: 18 and over
Fee: Res $51.40 / Non-Res $70.09
Location: Pelican Community Park
Adult - 12 Months
Age: 18 and over
Fee: Res $93.46 / Non-Res $140.19
Location: Pelican Community Park
Child - 12 Months
Age: 17 and under
Fee: Res $46.73 / Non-Res $70.09
Location: Pelican Community Park
Family - 12 Months
Age: All Ages
Fee: Res $186.92 / Non-Res $280.37
Location: Pelican Community Park
Senior - 12 Months
Age: 65 and over
Fee: Res $70.09 / Non-Res $93.46
Location: Pelican Community Park
Student - 12 Months
Age: 18 and over
Fee: Res $70.09 / Non-Res $93.46
Location: Pelican Community Park